Jenny Taylor - I'm running the Brentwood Half Marathon with my son Tyler

Jenny & Tyler Crabb
Written by:

Jenny Taylor

Jenny loves to run and on Sunday 23rd March, she is running the Brentwood Half Marathon with her son Tyler, in memory of her husband Ernie.

Here Jenny shares why they are taking on the 13.1-mile challenge to raise funds for Saint Francis Hospice.

Ernie was such a lovely man. He was a big character and everyone loved him. He was a chief fire officer for 27 years and after he retired, he was an animal rescue officer for the RSPCA. 

We met later in life and married in 2020. Despite the restrictions during covid, we had the most amazing wedding. 

In July 2023 Ernie was diagnosed with throat cancer and after undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he was told he had beaten it.  

But he was complaining of pain in his side and scans later revealed the cancer had spread to his bones, stomach, liver and lungs.

I had no idea how much care and support Saint Francis Hospice could offer until they became involved in the last six months of Ernie’s life. 

He started counselling with Sue Spong, and it really helped because he was in such a panic.  

Then in early 2024, Ernie came to the ward. There was a whole team of doctors working together to help to get his pain under control. He even had a scan while he was there.

He loved being in the hospice’s beautiful gardens and watching the fish swimming in the pond. 

Ernie really wanted to be at home with his family - our two boys, Tyler and George, and our dog Mavis ?" and Saint Francis Hospice made everything happen that he wanted to happen.  

He was visited several times by Dr Leena and she would also regularly telephone to check in on him.  

It was such a scary and stressful time for Ernie and Dr Leena brought him comfort that only a hospice doctor can bring. He knew he could trust her and she would listen to him.


The Hospice at Home team was there to support Ernie and our family when he passed away in July last year.  

Saint Francis Hospice was the only light in the darkness. Even after he passed away, the hospice called to check up on me. They were always going beyond the job description. I’m having counselling and our children have had counselling.  

I knew I wanted to help in whatever way I could. I have always been a runner and Tyler loves to run too. We wanted to do something to raise funds for Saint Francis Hospice in Ernie’s memory, so the Brentwood Half Marathon was the perfect event for us.

This will be my third time running the Brentwood Half Marathon and it will be such a wonderful experience to do it with Tyler. 

It has really helped me to know I am helping other people who are going through the loss of a loved one. 

I feel Ernie is running with us and he would be delighted that I am running with Tyler. 

Our youngest son George isn’t a runner, but I know he’ll be doing a fundraising event in the near future. He’s still only 15 and Ernie would be so proud that he is following in his footsteps as a fire cadet.

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