Joan with Sharon Williams - hand reflexology (cropped)
Our services

We care about you.  We care about the people who love you. Your well-being and what you want from life are what matters to us most. 

How we can help

Whether you need to spend your time in the hospice, or at home or a mixture of both, you are at the centre of your care. We will listen to you and those you love. Your comfort and dignity shape the care we offer you so that you can make the most of every day.

Expert consultants, doctors, nurses and other health and social care professionals will care for you. Chaplains and therapists are on hand to tend to your spiritual, emotional and physical comfort.

Everything that can be done for you, will be done. Take a look at the pages below or contact us on 01708 753319 today.

Our services

Connie with Dena

The Hospice Ward


Hospice at Home


Community & Crisis Support

Our therapies and support services





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Support groups

Emily having an art therapy session with a child

Carers, families & loved ones



We care for people like Ria, and their families.

Ria was just 23 when she was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour. 

She was supported by the Hospice throughout her journey, before she passed away under the care of the Hospice at Home team.

Ria's sister, Kaz, says, "Saint Francis Hospice is not just a bed for you in the last few days of your life, it helps you to live better for however long you have left."

Read Ria's story

"I cannot thank you enough for the care we received and for the support and kindness you gave to all the family.  It was way beyond what we could have wished for."

Read our reviews


Make a referral

Find out about how you can be referred for Hospice care and make a referral. 

Our CQC rating

We are very proud to have been rated as Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission on their last visit. For more details, please click on the rating below. 

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Saint Francis Hospice
CQC overall rating