You dont have to be an expert gardener to volunteer!

Written by: Jill Mackness

I'm not just a tree,
I'm a special little tree,
But plants grew tall around me,
So I moved away where cool breezes play
on my leaves, and the sun can find me. 

I'm one of the volunteer gardeners at Saint Francis Hospice and I wrote this poem when a visitor asked if we could plant a small tree she had brought in, in remembrance of her father. Sadly, it wasn't doing too well where it was, so we rehomed it to a sunnier spot. Maybe I was inspired by working in a lovely environment, but you don't have to be a poet or an expert gardener to become a volunteer.


Learning on the job


During my first week, someone pulled up a clump of 'grass' which was in the wrong place and dumped it on the compost heap, only to discover it was a plant somebody had carefully planted. I won't say who the culprit was, but I am going red as I write this!

My role as a volunteer gardener includes supporting our head gardener Paul, i.e planting up tubs and garden areas, weeding, keeping the gardens and paths tidy, assisting lost visitors. Some visitors want to sit quietly, deep in thought, others may like to chat for a while and we are always ready to lend an ear.


A sense of humour can come in handy, especially when tender young shoots have been munched down by hungry little rabbits, or our newly planted bulbs have been dug up by the squirrels, or was it the fox?


Why I volunteer for Saint Francis Hospice

Sometimes, people ask me why I became a volunteer.


A few years ago, my brother in law and my closest friend passed away in Saint Francis Hospice and I was so moved by the kindness and compassion shown to them, I wanted to give something back.


What I didn't realise at the time, how working in the gardens gave me something back in return... the comradery, the connection with wildlife (especially a robin who sometimes follows us around, knowing we will dig worms up for him. My friend Jan calls him Podge, due to his ever expanding girth). I have learned the basics of gardening too with the help of Paul, the head gardener and other volunteers over time.

Gardening can be hard work, the weather isn't always kind to us, but we get such a kick, when patients, staff and visitors tell us we are doing a grand job.

team of volunteers (cropped)


If you would like to learn something new, volunteering can be a great way do just that.