

Shop books


Games & toys

Shop games and toys


Wedding favours

Shop wedding

Give a gift of care

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Gift a gift

Barry left align (cropped)
WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 12.07.46 (3) (cropped)

Women's Fashion

Update your wardrobe and be kind to your purse.

Shop women's fashion

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Men's Fashion

We have something for every occasion

Shop men's fashion

Give the gift of care

Creative therapy (colon) open to all (cropped)

A creative therapy session


Connie with Dena

Sponsor a nurse for 12 months


Jacob painting

Art materials for bereaved children


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Patient visit from a community nurse


Volunteer putting clothing on rail (cropped)

Volunteer for us

Our volunteers are fundamental to the success of our shops. We have a wealth of roles and opportunities on offer, so why not join the team?

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