Lottery website banner magenta background stripes (cropped)
Play the Lottery

For £1 a week you could win one of 53 weekly cash prizes, including the weekly jackpot of £1,000, PLUS the chance of winning the rollover which could reach £10,000! Players will also be entered into our annual superdraw for an extra dose of excitement.


Exciting prizes to be won every week!

Julie Kelly with lottery cheque

First prize - £1,000

Our first prize of £1,000 is up for grabs to one lucky winner every Friday!

Sylvia Lottery winner

Second prize - £250 rollover

Our £250 rollover prize, if not won, rolls over each week until someone's number comes up or the pot reaches £10,000. Then it will be guaranteed to one lucky winner!

Amanda and John celebrate

Third prize - £50 to two lucky winners

Each week, our third prize of £50 is guaranteed to go to two lucky winners.

Smiling Julie with glass and champagne in hand 2

Fourth prize - £5 for 50 winners

Each week, 50 players will win £5!

Lottery website banner magenta background stripes

New! Entry to our superdraw

For some extra fun, we're introducing an annual superdraw. Active players will be automatically entered into this draw where for one week a year, there will be a bigger 1st prize on offer. 

Just £1 per week helps people like Steve

When Steve was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, he was referred to the Hospice for pain relief and support with his terminal illness.

He says, "There is no thank you big enough for everything the team at Saint Francis Hospice have done for me. The doctors, nurses and care teams showed me what I had lost. If I had not come into the Hospice in the first place, I would have been struggling at home."

Sign up to The Lottery 

Be in with a chance of winning like these lucky players!

"Winning £10,000 seemed too good to be true"

Allan Flight thought he was being pranked when he got a call to say he'd won £10,000 and was delighted to be able to treat his grandchildren with his winnings!

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Judo master hits the jackpot

After winning £5 twice in our weekly draws, Victor was delighted when he won the £1000 jackpot in 2023!

“I signed up as a way of giving back to the hospice and never expected to win!”

Amanda and John celebrate with bottle of bubbly-min (cropped)

Amanda's wedding boost

After four postponements, teenage sweethearts Amanda and John finally tied the knot 47 years after they met.

"The win has come at such a great time and we will put the money towards the wedding," said Amanda.

Robert singh with mum (cropped)

Penny's pleasant surprise

Penny signed up to the lottery after her husband, Gurmit, was cared for by the hospice in 2015.

“I was delighted when I won £50 last year but I was absolutely over the moon when I got a phone call to say I’d won £1,000. I just couldn’t believe it!”

This week's winning numbers

Draw date: 28/02/2025

Congratulations to this week's winners! If you need a reminder of your numbers, please give us a call on 01708 753319.

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First prize - £1,000

This week's winning number is 108590

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Second prize - £250

No winner, rollover. Next weeks prize is £500

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Third prize - £50 x2

This week's winning numbers are:

020807 & 086343

Fourth prize - £5 x50

This week's winning numbers are: 

20516, 462640, 032034, 026014, 504828, 410088, 089385, 067615, 246293, 031672, 461350, 696049, 992984, 053022, 678409, 038266, 060304, 397351, 992961, 086712, 021509, 075384, 122024, 118720, 097337, 080165, 054633, 016421, 570429, 947198, 109312, 002166, 568200, 940313, 344244, 741840, 159141, 042873, 104105, 694930, 026069, 460396, 357512, 077722, 021830, 743473, 038389, 097241, 408857, 856604


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the rollover work?

For our rollover each week, a random 6 digit number is drawn. If nobody has this number then the rollover pot increases by £250. If a winner hasn't been chosen by the time the rollover pot reaches £10,000, then we will draw a random lottery number, who will win the £10,000!

What are your chances of winning?

The chances of winning a prize are 1 in 143. This is accurate as of 28th June 2024.

How much goes towards patient care?

Based on our financial year April 2023 to March 2024, Saint Francis Hospice received a minimum of 50% of all proceeds from the Lottery which is spent on caring for people in our community. 22% of lottery proceeds is spent on prizes and 28% on expenses associated with running and growing the number of lottery supporters.

Why does it cost £4.34 a month?

The monthly cost breakdown of £4.34 for playing the lottery is based on paying £1 per week over a 52 week year. Direct Debits are only collected once monthly. Sometimes there will be five weeks in a month and the additional £0.34 is to build up credit to cover the fifth week on the five-week months.

What is the superdraw and how can I enter?

For one week a year  we will increase the pool of prizes available in a particular draw (this one-off bigger draw is called a 'superdraw'). In any week of the superdraw your weekly entries will become entries to the superdraw at no extra charge to you.

When is this year's superdraw and what can I win?

Details of this year's superdraw will be promoted on the website.

Last year's annual superdraw took place on Friday 15 December 2023. 

In total, there were 65 prizes available in our superdraw including the rollover. 

1st prize £3,000

2nd prize £250 (rollover)

3rd prize 2 x £100

4th prize 1 x £50

5th prize 50 x £20

6th prize 10 x £10

One lottery entry equals one superdraw entry.

You can increase your chances of winning by purchasing an additional entry. Give us a call on 0370 050 2177 to purchase additional tickets.

Please note that it can take 4 to 6 weeks from sign up to entry into the draw so we recommend that you sign up by end October to be entered  in time for the superdraw week.

How do you pay?

Paying by Direct Debit saves the Hospice significant administrative costs
To pay by debit card, please call 0370 050 2177 and reference Saint Francis Hospice Lottery.  

How do I know if I've won a prize?

Every Friday (or next working day if a Bank Holiday) the draw is made and winners are notified by phone or post. We also publish the winning numbers on our website.

Why have you made changes to the lottery?

After 10 years we felt the lottery needed a refresh and we wanted to give players a better chance of winning a prize.

What are your terms and conditions?

Fundraising responsibility - what you need to know

Saint Francis Hospice Lottery is licensed by the gambling commission

Operating Licence: 000-004886-N-100626-014 and 000-004886-R310987-009.

We are committed to using lotteries to fundraise responsibly and encourage responsible gambling with access to support. BeGamble Aware provide such support. If you or someone you know has been affected by gambling please contact or contact the National Gambling Helpline 24/7 on 0808 8020 133

Lottery promoted by Saint Francis Hospice. Registered charity number 275913

Responsible person: J Frame. 
Remember: This content is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. 

How can I cancel?

If you wish to cancel your membership you may do so at any time.

Cancellations received after 5pm on a Tuesday evening may not be actioned until after the following draw.

Please contact the lottery team on 0870 050 2177 or email us at

Once you cancel your number or if you do not have sufficient funds in your account to be entered into the draw you will not be able to claim the rollover prize even if your number is selected. Therefore it would rollover to the next week. All numbers have an equal chance of being drawn, but in the case of the first and third prizes the computer will keep picking numbers until it chooses one that has paid to be in that week's draw, whereas for the second prize if the number picked is not owned by someone or entry into that week's draw has not been paid, it will roll over.

Once you have cancelled a number it cannot be allocated to anyone else for a period of 6 years however you can reactivate the number during that time.

If you have more than one number and wish to cancel one of the numbers please ensure you specify in writing, by letter or email, the number(s) you wish to keep and the number(s) you wish to cancel. Otherwise the number(s) will be cancelled at random and not necessarily in the order you set them up.

How your support helps

By playing the Saint Francis Hospice Lottery, you're helping local people like Ria and their families access the care they deserve when they need it most. 

Ria's sister, Kaz, says, "Saint Francis Hospice is not just a bed for you in the last few days of your life, it helps you to live better for however long you have left."

Find out how we use your donations