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MAAR Charts Blank for Download

BHR AREA: PAN LONDON SYMPTOM CONTROL MAAR CHART V5 SUITE ?" to save or print off the MAAR chart you need.   

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Guidance and support after someone dies

When someone dies, not only is it a sad and difficult time but there are many things that have to be done. We are here to help you.

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Managing symptoms in the last days of life and MAAR chart examples

The Palliative Care End of Life Care Quick Reference Guide is a collaboration between Saint Francis Hospice, other local specialist providers and NELFT to provide Community Nurses/District Nurses, GPs and End of Life Facilitators with best managing symptoms guidance for the last few days of life. It is our Community /District nurse ‘go to’ guide.

Coping with dying

To help with anxiety and uncertainty.

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Supporting bereavement

It can be difficult to know what to do or say to someone you know has lost someone close. People who have lost a loved one need lots of support - even if it doesn't look that way.

Deactivation of ICD's towards the end of life

NELFT Policy Updated July 2020. 

Includes Protocol for the Emergency Deactivation of an Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator (ICD) for terminally ill patients in the community who are too ill to return to hospital for the procedure.

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Opioids for Palliative Care

Opioid advice for palliative care patients that can be used to manage pain and breathlessness.

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Frequently asked questions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

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Corneal donation - what to do after a death

If someone who has expressed a wish to donate their corneas dies at home or in a care home, download this document to find out what needs to happen next.

Suitability for CPR: Factors to consider

Please read this document for advice and guidance on assessing a patient's suitability for CPR.

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CPR and DNAR decisions: information to consider

Here is a resource with background information and learnings to consider when making decisions about someone's suitability for CPR.

When and how to discuss 'do not resuscitate' decisions with patients

This article offers advice and guidance on when how to approach a conversation with a patient and their family about their suitability for CPR and medical decisions to not resuscitate. 

Recommended reading

We've put together a list of our favourite books that look at the topics of death, dying, and living with terminal illness. We hope you enjoy reading them!